The Mastermind Alliance
“for Success Beyond Measure”
What it would be like if you had
support that would sky rocket your power
so success isnot
only possible it’s inevitable?
That’s the power of a Master Mind Group.
The idea for a Master Mind(also
spelled Mastermind) group became known
with the 1937 book Think
& Grow Rich by Napoleon
Hill (October 26, 1883 – November 8,
1970). In chapter ten of Think and Grow
Rich (1960 edition), Hill talks about the
“Power of the Master Mind.” Hill says,
“The ‘Master
Mind’ may be defined as: “Coordination of
knowledge and effort, in a spirit of
harmony, between two or more people, for
the attainment of a definite purpose.”[i]
Further, Hill says,
When two or
more people coordinate in a spirit of
harmony, and work toward a definite
objective, they place themselves in
position, through that alliance, to absorb
power directly from the great universal
storehouse of Infinite Intelligence.
This is the greatest of all sources of
power. It is the source to which the
genius and every great leader turn
(whether they may be conscious of the fact
or not).[ii]
Today, the
Master Mind Group is also known as:
·A Creative
·A Success
Dream Team
Napoleon Hill says: (See You Tube Video HERE)[iii] It
the principle through which you can
accomplish in one year more than you
could accomplish without it in a
lifetime if you depended entirely upon
your own efforts for success.
Carnegie (1835-1919) was an industrialist,
steel magnate, and one of the richest men
in the world. He wanted to share his
“secrets for success” so he asked Napoleon
Hill if he would devote twenty years of
his life to researching and interviewing
successful wealthy men who he had helped
accumulate vast fortunes through the aid
of his secret for attaining riches. The
result was the book, Think
& Grow Rich.(This
is the highest selling self-help book ever
written and has over fifteen million
copies in print.)
A few names from the
forty-nine listed in the book are: John D.
Rockefeller, Thomas A. Edison, F. W.
Woolworth, Henry Ford, William Wrigley
Jr., George Eastman, John Wanamaker, James
J. Hill, Wilbur Wright, William Jennings
Bryan, George S. Parker, Charles M. Schwab
and Woodrow Wilson. Of course, these men
benefitted handsomely from their Master
Mind group alliance, and by applying the
principles outlined in the book Think
Grow Rich. Napoleon
states that the first Master Mind Alliance
was the Nazarene and his twelve disciples.
At its highest level, you can
think of the “Master Mind” as a way to
engage divine guidance. That is the
miracle and magic of the Master Mind.Also,
in the process of drawing out the best of
each other in a Master Mind group, the
genius within each member of the group
emerges naturally as a result of being a
“conduit” of like minds working in tandem
towards an objective. The experience of
collaborating in a Master Mind group
creates the circumstances whereby a
special synergy is created. One and one
equals three, three thousand, and is
is naturally creative, and as Master Mind
group participants elevate themselves from
an ego stance of “what’s in it for me” to
focusing on helping each other succeed,
they also draw out the best in each other
as co-creators. This is creating at its
best and everyone benefits beyond what
they could have imagined or dreamed on
their own. Synergy,
is the unlimited energy created
when the merging of like minds opens for
the creation of a “third” mind which is
referred to as the Master Mind and
Infinite Intelligence.
who is interested in personal growth,
prosperity, and wants to help others reach
success levels faster and going beyond
what they can by one’s self.Following
are a few of the benefits of belonging to
a Mastermind Group:
Accountability – This is the key
element ofa Mastermind Group. If you
are having a hard time getting
yourself to doing what you want to
do, a Mastermind Group can make a
big difference because the group
will “hold your feet to the fire”
so to speak and you will be taking
steps as you intended. Why?
Because each week the members of
the group declare their intentions
of what he/she will do to progress
towards a specific goal that week.
seeing people in the group make
progress each week, inspires
everyone to do better and better.
The most powerful skill to have is
self-mastery (discipline) to say
what you will do and then do what
you say. This builds one of the
greatest success habits you can
have. If you can’t honor your word
(intentions) then this group is
not for you, especially if you
always have excuses, show up late
for everything and your word is
not your honor.
The definition of “power,” is
“strength over time.”Weekly steps add
strength and build your power!
Support and Encouragement – Feedback on
your progress (or lack) also helps
as members learn where they are
strong and where they need to add
strength to get better and better
as the weeks progress. When
someone doesn’t know what to do
they get help to get “unstuck” and
can go forward. This is the time
when most people give up and lose
their dream because they don’t
know how to go forward, nor do
they have help to get unstuck. However,
with your Master Mind Alliance,
you don’t have to worry. You have
the help and support needed to
grow through any challenge and
accomplish what you most desire to
do to achieve to succeed.
Achievement – Your achievement
and prosperity comes in the weekly
progression of steps taken towards
accomplishing what you desire. It
can be personal, a career goal, a
creative goal (getting more fit,
creating a business plan, writing
a book, learning some skill to
qualify for a higher position,
etc.) Each person begins with the
end in mind as to what they intend
to accomplish. The journey begins
with setting up a plan of action
for taking steps, and then taking
action accordingly. This is the
“progressive realization of a
worthwhile goal.”
Prosperity – Prosperity is a
by-product of taking steps each
week until the desired goal is
Personal PowerIncreased – The
ability to take action builds each
week as does confidence and
self-mastery. Personal power is
about self-mastery and who you are
becoming by choice in the process
of reaching a particular goal.
Inspiration –
Sharing information, learning from
others, seeing the progress of
your team members is inspiration
in action.
Knowledge and Information – Each week you
learn from sharing knowledge
shared by the group.
Ideasand Inspiration – Ideas,
information and inspiration comes
from brainstorming sessions with
the “group mind” and breakthroughs
that result. This is something
that cannot be achieved on your
about Talents and Gifts – As you
participate in sharing ideas, your
own particular genius comes
through in brainstorming ideas to
assist members in your alliance.
Oftentimes, people are not always
consciously aware of their own
abilities nor do they know how
brilliant they are until there’s a
need and they find themselves
giving answers they didn’t know
they knew. That is why in a Master
Mind Alliance, the genius within
each one is drawn forward in the
desire to help a fellow member.
Sessions – Great ideas and
the talents of the members in a
group emerge in brainstorming
sessions. Breakthroughs and
wealth-building answers are
Mastermind Group is not therapy, or
chit-chatting, or a bull sessions to
complain about what’s not working. It’s
purposeful and the focus is on achievement
and success in whatever area you
you are interested in accelerating your
personal growth, and attaining success in
any area of your life, a Mastermind Group
may just be the answer for you.This
especially helpful for “accountability,”
because you are inspired and compelled to
take action each week and report your
progress to the group at the weekly (or
bi-weekly) meetings. The
reason people fail is they procrastinate
week after week. A Mastermind group solves
that problem because you are compelled to
take action each week and it becomes a
natural habit and eventually an inner
Mastermind Group consists of two or more
like-minded people who desire to support
each other to achieve their goals. That
means making a commitment and having
regular meetings. The
ideal size is five to eight people. The
members must be committed, consistent and
attend each meeting.That
is why selecting the right membersis
crucial for the success of the group.
BE A MEMBER People who have
similar interests: entrepreneurs,
small business owners, writers, etc. who
want to partner with others for success
and are committed to the group.Each
member brings some talent to the table
that can be shared.
GROUP – A group of five to eight
committed people is best.
MEETINGS – The group meets
in person for one to two hours depending
on size of group. Some groups meet by
phone or SKYPE.Ideally,
the group meets weekly. However, it’s up
to the group to decide on how often to
meet, and when and where to meet.
Check out these websites,
and also Great resources for
learning about starting a Mastermind Group
can be found with:
Greenstreet’s website: Passion for
Business website HERE. She has a
wealth of “free” information on her
website for anyone who wants to start
their own Master Mind Group. She also has
a free 15-page e-book and and an E-book
you can buy. She has three teleclasses.
Learn more HERE.
·Book Meet
and Grow Rich by Joe Vitale.
See the review HERE.
·A quick reference for
starting a Mastermind Group is available
here plus help with setting up a
Mastermind Group HERE.
[i] Hill,
Napoleon, Think
and Grow Rich, Ballantine Books,
a division of Random House, Inc., New
York, 1960.See
chapter X, page 168.
[ii] Hill,
Napoleon, Think and Grow Rich,
Ballantine Books, a division of Random
House, Inc., New York, 1960.See
chapter X, page 172.
[iii], Title of piece is “Napoleon Hill - Part 2 Success
Principles (Mastermind Alliance).”