and It is Given-
Learning to Manifest Your
Desires by Esther and
Jerry Hicks. What do you want to
happen in your life? This book
is the "bible" for manifesting
what you desire with the
"Teachings of
Abraham(TM)." Neale Donald
Walsch, author of Conversations
with God says, "This is, plain
and simply, one of the most
powerful books I have ever read.
One's entire life can change
because of what is found
here. And all given with
such love! This book is a Life
Awaken the Giant
Anthony Robbins
This is a must read book
for anyone who wants to know how
to use their brain to make
changes in their life. Robbins
teaches you how to use the tools
from NLP (neurolinguistic
Feel the Fear and
Do It Anywayby
Dr. Susan Jeffers. This book is
known as one of the great
self-help classics of our time.
It tackles the issue of fear,
particularly for women, and how
fear can hold us back. The book
not only focuses on fear, but
also on building confidence,
positive thinking and overcoming
low self-esteem. This book
actually opened the door for me
to turn my pain and fear into
How to Win
Friends & Influence People
by Dale Carnegie. This book is a
classic and one of the best. As
it says on the back of the book,
you will learn: the six ways to
make people like you; the twelve
ways to win people to your way
of thinking; the nine ways to
change people without arousing
resentment and more.
Getting to Yes:
Negotiating Agreement Without
Giving Inby
Roger Fisher and William Ury. I
used to be afraid to speak up
(hangover from having autocratic
parents who were always right.)
I applied the principles taught
in this book and believe me, it
was like magic. If you want to
be a master at communication,
this book will help.
Illusions: The
Adventures of a Reluctant
Messiah by
Richard Bach.
Author says,"If you have
imagination as a grain of a
sesame seed," he said..."all
things are possible to you."
Also, Bach said, "When the bible
was written there was no word
for imagination so they used the
word 'faith' in place of
it." The big message of
the story is you create with
your imagination by seeing it
first. Delightful book, even if
from 1977. Worth a read for
simple insights that are
Lick the Sugar
Habit by Nancy
Appleton, Ph.D.
If giving up sugar has been a
problem, read this book and gain
insight into reasons why sugar
is the enemy if you intend to
have health and to avoid health
problems now, and as you
age. See also Dr. Robert
Lustig's video: The Bitter Truth
on, This is film is
1:29:28 minutes. See it HERE.
The Hero with A
Thousand Faces. Joseph
Campbell. This is Joseph
Campbell's seminal book about
the Hero's Journey that George
Lucas (Star Wars) loved. He
fashioned his character Luke
Skywalker following the hero's
pattern in the Star Wars
movie. The Hero's Journey
is also a pattern we regular
mortals pretty much follow in
our own lives as we get thrown
out of the ordinary world into
the extraordinary world when we
have major life changes. For
example: an accident, a divorce,
losing a job, getting married,
becoming a parent, etc. The
basic pattern follows seventeen
steps but is often narrowed down
to twelve steps. Many writers
now use versions of this pattern
for fashioning their own hero in
movies and novels. Stories
that follow the Hero's Journey
pattern include: The
Matrix, and The
Wizard of Oz and,
of course, Star Wars.
Think and Grow
Rich by
Napoleon Hill.
This classic book is worth
reading. It is based on the
famed book Law of Success and
represents the distilled wisdom
of men who achieved great
wealth: Henry Ford, Rockefeller,
Firestone and others. What's
interesting to note is how Hill
explains the idea of "the
divine" in one's success and the
concept of The Master Mind
group. This book is an
absolute "must read" for anyone
who is truly interested in
becoming their best not just in
business, but as a human being.
This is Why
You're Fat (and How to Get
Thin Forever)by
Jackie Warner. This no-nonsense
book has great information about
food, food additives as well as
what foods not to eat and
exercise programs. Her exercise
DVDs are worth checking
out and using.
Toxic Sludge is
Good for You! - Lies, Damn
Lies, and the Public Relations
Industry by
John Stauber and Sheldon
Rampton. Who makes decisions for
you? Whether you know it
or not, you are always being
manipulated by the media.
Edward L. Bernays, who wrote the
book Propaganda
(Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's
propagandist loved Bernays book
Bernays said,
"If we
understand the mechanisms and
motives of the group mind, it is
now possible to control and
regiment the
masses according to our will
without their knowing it."
Later that term came to
known as "the manufacturing of
What Color is
Your Parachute by
Richard Nelson Bolles. Do
you need to change jobs? Do you
want to change careers? If so,
this book is a great help for
job seekers and anyone who
"hates their dumb job." This
book is a perennial classic for
serious job seekers, and people
who want to change careers. Even
if you are not seeking to change
jobs, you will gain insight
about the talents you have and
probably discover skills you
didn't know you had that can
make a difference for your
future career. Even if you
aren't interested in changing
jobs now, this book is worth
browsing. What Color
is Your Parachute was
first published in 1972, and has
been published every year since
1975. Also check out Bolles
website HERE.
Wheat Belly by
William Davis, M.D.
Are you trying to lose weight
and but have food cravings that
just never seem to stop?
This book could be a key for
losing that weight. Dr. Davis
says that what you don't know
about wheat is that it makes you
sick, fat, and that it gives you
a never-ending appetite even
when you've just eaten. Learn
how your health is being
undermined by wheat and products
containing wheat. This book is a
real wake you call.
However, find out for yourself.
This is a must read book if you
are trying to change your eating
After just seeing a 2:27
minute video by Dr. Davis on and I was compelled
to stop eating bread. In just
four days, my appetite went away
and my body was balanced. No
craving carbohydrates. Even if
you don't read the book, see the
video with Dr. Davis on Click HERE.
Women's Bodies,
Women's Wisdom by
Dr. Christiane Northrup. This
books presents information about
health that every woman should
know even if you just pick out
chapters in the book that are of
interest. Dr. Northrup has been
on PBS many times and this book
is a real eye opener. It is
absolutely easy to read,
informative and inspiring.
2012 ReGeneration
Following is the
description of movie from DVD.
"Narrated by Ryan Gosling, The
award-winning documentary
film, #ReGeneration explores
the galvanizing forces behind
the Occupy Movement and the
state of social activism in
our society. Focused on how
our education,
parenting,media, and
consumerism can influence us,
the film follows three stories
of students, parents, and
artists all looking for their
place in society. Together
they capture the thoughts and
feelings of today's generation
It includes comments are by
leading scholars, social
activists, and media
personalities, including
Andrew Bacevich, Noam Chomsky,
Talib Kweli, and the late
Howard Zinn.
THRIVE: What on
Earth Will It Take?
This is an amazing movie
and one every person should see.
The following is a Review from
is an unconventional documentary
that lifts the veil on what’s
REALLY going on in our world by
following the money upstream —
uncovering the global
consolidation of power in nearly
every aspect of our lives.
Weaving together breakthroughs
in science, consciousness and
activism, THRIVE
offers real solutions,
empowering us with unprecedented
and bold strategies for
reclaiming our lives and our
We are at a critical
turning point in human history.
The path we are on is leading
toward a global police state. We
must change direction, but how?
What are the guiding principles
that would lead to freedom from
war, hunger, and domination? How
do we work toward a world where
no one is violated or coerced in
any way? These are the kind of
questions you can explore in
this solutions section.
This also is the place to
discover what you can do to
bring about change. You can
check out inspirational success
stories, find suggestions for
quick, effective everyday
actions, study strategies for
transformations at the national
and global level, and get
involved in Critical Mass
Actions that will make a
If each of us uses our unique
gifts, and we collaborate with
others, we can create the world
we want to live in. We already
have what it takes to thrive.
Now is the time.
Link to Movie HERE.
The following movies are
listed because they are personal
favorites. Not because of
the movie itself, but because of
the messages I personally got from
them. The message I perceived made
me more aware and opened up my
life in dramatic ways. I didn't
just hear the words, I got the
message both hidden and otherwise
and made them a part of my life.
Carpe Diem (seize the day) from
the Dead Poets Society, movie had
a big impact.
Dead Poets
Society, 1989
This 1987 movie stars Robin
Williams who plays Professor
John Keating the English
professor at Welton Academy, a
prestigious prep school for
boys. The movie was nominated
for four Academy Awards (best
movie, best script, and won for
best original screenplay). The
quote, Carpe Diem, to "Seize the
Day," made me take note about
seizing the days I had so at the
end of my days I would not
regret what I had failed to do.
What Professor Keating says is,
Only through dreams can men be
truly free, it was always thus
and always will
-- John Keating
And in the movie John Keating,
played by Robin Williams,
Thoreau is quoted:
"I went to the woods because I
wished to live deliberately, to
front only the essential facts
of life, and see if I could not
learn what it had to teach, and
not, when I came to die,
discover that I had not lived."
Field of Dreams,
If you love baseball you
will love this movie. Of course
everyone remembers the famous
line, "If you build it, he will
One of my favorite scenes from
the movie is when Ray Kinsella,
played by Kevin Costner, goes to
Boston to find Terence Mann, a
60s activist writer played by
James Earl Jones. Ray quotes
what Terrence wrote in one of
his books:
"There comes a time when all the
cosmic tumblers have clicked
into place and the universe
opens itself up for a few
seconds to show you what's
may be just a line in a movie,
but it is something this
author has personally
experienced many times.
great scene in the movie is
when Ray Kinsella finally
meets his dad. His dad asks,
"Is this heaven?" And Ray
responds, "No its Iowa." It
points to the fact that
anywhere, where you are
happy is heaven. It's a
state of mind and not a
Yes, life is magical,
mystical and co-creative.
The universe does open up
all the time when you are
seeking ideas and
answers. Life does
conspire with you to give
you what you need when you
get serious about your life
and what matters.
This is a good thing to
your voice, use your voice
and be a voice for greatness
Ground Hog Day,
This seeming comedic movie
has great depth. Phil Connors
(played by Bill Murray) is an
egotistical, self centered man
who treats his co-workers with
contempt, is transformed. Phil,
a weather man dreads having to
be in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania
for the fourth time to report on
Groundhog Day. Only, this year
he gets stuck in Punxsutawney
because of a snow storm.
However, the same day keeps
repeating, but not for him.
Every morning he wakes up to
Sonny and Cher singing "I've Got
You Babe." It's like he is
stuck in some time loop. He goes
through a melt down, and then
finally starts changing himself
and becomes a better man. He
does ice sculpturing, learns to
play the piano. He knows exactly
what is going to happen to
everyone so he shows up to help
at the right moment.
The theme of the movie is
redemption. Phil redeems himself
from his old ways to become a
better person. Rita, the
producer, played by Andie
MacDowell finally finds him
attractive after he has
transformed himself.
Heart and Souls,
This romantic comedy has
great depth. Robert Downey Jr.
plays Thomas Reilly who gets
tied to four ghosts when his
mother gives birth to him at the
same time a bus crashes and the
four people leave their bodies
and float into the car where
Reilly is born en route to
the hospital. By age seven, the
four ghosts realize they need to
leave Reilly whose parents think
he needs psychiatric help
because he keeps talking to his
invisible friends. The four
ghosts return years later when
they learn that Reilly is
supposed to help them resolve
their unfinished business before
they can go to the afterlife.
The four ghosts are Milo Peck,
played by Tom Sizemore, Harrison
played by Charles Grodin, Alfre
Woodard played by Penny
Washington, and Julia, played by
Kyra Sedgwick. David Paymer
plays Hal the bus driver.
Independence Day,
This spectacular movie
begins with a series of massive
spaceships, which many on Earth
greet with open arms, looking
forward to the first contact
with alien life. However, the
extraterrestrials have
come to destroy the world's
major cities. Will Smith plays
jet pilot Captain Steven Hiller
and David Levinson, the computer
genius, is played by Jeff
Goldblum, who figures out how to
shut down the spaceships to get
through the shields. They do
this by giving the computer-run
ships a virus. The key part of
the movie with its spectacular
CG effects, etc., is the speech
given by President Thomas J.
Whitmore played by Bill
Pullman. Here is that
speech. Who knows, it just may
be a speech we soon hear from
our real president who tells we
are not alone. This is the
speech President Whitmore given
in the movie:
Good morning, Good morning.
In less than an hour aircraft
from here will join others
from around the world and you
will be launching the largest
aerial battle in the history
of mankind. Mankind, that word
should have new meaning for
all of us today. We can't be
consumed by our petty
differences anymore. We will
be united in our common
interests. Perhaps it's fate
that today is the 4th of July
and you will once again be
fighting for our freedom. Not
from tyranny, oppression or
persecution, but from
annihilation. We are fighting
for our right to live,
to exist. And should we win
the day, the 4th of July will
no longer be known as an
American holiday, but as the
day when the world declared i
none voice we will not go
quietly into the night, we
will not vanish without a
fight. We're going to live.
We're going to survive. Today,
we celebrate our Independence
Although that is just a movie,
it is true, we as Americans do
come together in a crisis. My
question is this. What would it
be like if we could and would
come together to create? Why do
we have to wait for a crisis to
put out some fire? Why don't we
come together to create what
matters and what will make a
difference so we can write the
history we want to live and then
live it?
Meet John Doe,
Movies can be a great
inspiration and this movie, Meet
John Doe was a great
inspiration to me. It was just
after 9/11 and I was so tired of
seeing the never-ending picture
of the twin towers collapsing
that I had to shut off my TV and
not listen to the radio.
However, I wanted to watch
something on TV, so I called my
friend who worked at the library
and asked her to bring me a
movie, any movie. I didn't care.
She brought me the movie Meet
John Doe and it had
a profound influence on me. If
you are part of the 99% that the
Occupy movement talks about, you
will find this movie even more
relevant today. Listen to the
speech HERE.
Videos for Inspiration
LEDWELL, Natalie - The
Inspiration Show with Natalie
Ledwell. Ledwell interviews Law
of Attraction experts (over
fifty-one of them so far
12/4/12) on how they changed
their lives to have health and
success. Very inspiring and
worth a visit. You will
recognize the names of the
guests being interviewed such as
Marcie Shimoff who wrote Love
for Reason and Happy
for No Reason and
was featured in the hit movie, The
Secret. Author,
Michael Dooley internationally
known for his "Notes from the
Universe" e-mails and book, Infinite
Possibilities, was
also was in the movie The
Secret. Learn and
get inspired from these success
stories. Stream the various
interviews it online HERE.
LIPTON, Bruce H.,
PhD., is a stem cell biologist,
author, and internationally
recognized as a leader in bridging
science and spirit. His key
discovery is that our genes do not
control us. Humans can control
their genes by what they think.
Books: The Biology of
Belief: Unleashing the Power
of Consciousness, Matter
& Miracles, and Spontaneous
Evolution: Our Positive Future
and a Way to Get There From
Here co-authored with
Steve Bhaerman. Lipton's latest
book is: The Honeymoon
Effect: The Science of
Creating Heaven on Earth
released May 2013. His website is: Watch an
interview of him on You Tube
talking about the "The
Power of Consciousness." HERE.
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